Xingqi Guo
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 223

Xingqi Guo, Professor, Ph.D.,, 0538-8245679

Research Interests:

The molecular biology of cotton response to biotic and abiotic stresses

The molecular biology of honeybee response to biotic and abiotic stresses


1993-1996 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Plant pathology

1998-2001 Zhejiang University, PhD of Plant pathology

2002-2004 Shandong Agricultural University, Postdoctoral of plant genetics and breeding

Teaching Courses:

Molecular biology

Selected Publications:

  1. Chen Wang, Xiaowen He, Xinxin Wang, Shuxin Zhang, Xingqi Guo. ghr-miR5272a-mediated regulation of GhMKK6 gene transcription contributes to the immune response in cotton. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017, 68: 5895-5906. (Corresponding author)

  2. Haihong Jia, Manli Ma, Na Zhai, Zhenguo Liu, Hongfang Wang, Xingqi Guo, Baohua Xu.Roles of a mitochondrial AccSCO2 gene from Apis cerana cerana in oxidative stress responses. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2017, 175: 9-19. (Corresponding author)

  3. Chen Wang, Wenjing Lu, Xiaowen He, Fang Wang, Yuli Zhou, Xulei Guo, Xingqi Guo. The cotton mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 functions in drought tolerance by regulating stomatal responses and root growth. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2016, 57(8): 1629-1642. (Corresponding author)

  4. Fang Wang, Chen Wang, Yan Yan, Haihong Jia, Xingqi Guo. Overexpression of cotton GhMPK11 decreases disease resistance through the gibberellin signaling pathway in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 7: 689. (Corresponding author)

  5. Yan Yan, Haihong Jia, Fang Wang, Chen Wang, Shuchang Liu, Xingqi Guo. Overexpression of GhWRKY27a reduces tolerance to drought stress and resistance to Rhizoctonia solani infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Frontiers in Physiology. 2015, 6: 265. (Corresponding author)

  6. Yuzhen Li, Liang Zhang, Wenjing Lu, Xiuling Wang, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo. Overexpression of cotton GhMKK4 enhances disease susceptibility and affects abscisic acid, gibberellin and hydrogen peroxide signalling in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant Pathology. 2014, 15(1): 94-108. (Corresponding author)

  7. Huiru Yan, Haihong Jia, Xiaobo Chen, Lili Hao, Hailong An, Xingqi Guo. The cotton WRKY transcription factor GhWRKY17 functions in drought and salt stress in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana through ABA signaling and the modulation of reactive oxygen species production. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2014, 55(12): 2060-2076. (Corresponding author)

  8. Pengbo Yao, Xiaobo Chen, Yan Yan, Feng Liu, Yuanying Zhang, Xingqi Guo, Baohua Xu. Glutaredoxin, glutaredoxin 2, thioredoxin 1 and thioredoxin peroxidase 3 play important roles in antioxidant defense in Apis cerana cerana. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2014, 68: 335-346. (Corresponding author)

  9. Yuanying Zhang, Yaling Liu, Xulei Guo, Yalu Li, Hongru Gao, Xingqi Guo, Baohua Xu. sHsp22.6, an intronless small heat shock protein gene, is involved in stress defence and development in Apis cerana cerana. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2014, 53: 1-12. (Corresponding author)

  10. Liang Zhang, Yuzhen Li, Wenjing Lu, Fei Meng, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo. Cotton GhMKK5 affects disease resistance, induces HR-like cell death, and reduces the tolerance to salt and drought stress in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2012, 63(10): 3935-3952. (Corresponding author)