Chengchao Zheng
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 275

Chengchao Zheng, Professor, Ph.D.,, 0538-8242894

Research Interests:

The molecular mechanism of plant response to abiotic stresses; Agrobiotechnology


1978-1982 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Agronomy

1985-1988 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

1997-2000 China Agricultural University, PhD of Plant Science

1992-1995 Plant Biology, University of California at Davis, USA

2001-2002 Genetics, North Carolina State University, USA

Teaching Courses:

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis

Selected Publications (*Corresponding author)

1. Peiyan Guan, Jun Wang, Hui Li, Chen Xie, Shizhong Zhang, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, Kang Yan, Jinguang Huang* and Chengchao Zheng*. SENSITIVE to SALT1, An ER-localized Chaperone, Positively Regulates Salt Resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology  2018, 178:1390-1405

2. Yang Xu, Zipeng Yu, Di Zhang, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, Kang Yan, Shizhong Zhang* and Chengchao Zheng* .CYSTM, a Novel Non-Secreted Cysteine-Rich Peptide Family, Involved in Environmental Stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology  2018, 1;59(2):423-438

3. Yuanyuan Li, Huixian Cai, Pu Liu, Chunyan Wang, Huiyang Gao, Changai Wu, Kang Yan, Shizhong Zhang, Jinguang Huang* and Chengchao Zheng*. Arabidopsis MAPKKK18 positively regulates drought stress resistance via downstream MAPKK3. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2017, 484 : 292-297

4. Peng-Cheng Li, Jin-Guang Huang1, Shao-Wei Yu, Yuan-Yuan Li, Peng Sun, Chang-Ai Wu and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. Arabidopsis YL1/BPG2 Is Involved in Seedling Shoot Response to Salt Stress through ABI4. Scientific Reports  2016,6:30163

5. Kang Yan, Peng Liu, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang, Rui Xu, Qian-Huan Guo, Jin-Guang Huang and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. Stress-Induced Alternative Splicing Provides a Mechanism for the Regulation of MicroRNA Processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell. 2012, 48: 521-531

6. Rui Xu, Yuhan Wang, Hao Zheng, Wei Lu, Changai Wu, Jinguang Huang, Kang Yan, Guodong Yang and Cheng-Chao Zheng*.  Salt-induced transcription factor MYB74 is regulated by the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66(19):5997–6008

7. Fengjuan Jia, Chunyan Wang, Jinguang Huang, Guodong Yang,Changai Wu and Chengchao Zheng*. The SCF E3 ligase AtPP2-B11 plays a positive role in response to salt stress in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany  2015, 66(15):4683-97

8.  Changtian Chen, Changai Wu, Jiaming Miao, Yunxue Lei, Dongxiao Zhao, Dan Sun, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang and Chengchao Zheng*. Arabidopsis SAG protein containing the MDN1 domain participates in seed germination and seedling development by negatively regulating ABI3 and ABI5. Journal of Experimental Botany  2014,65 (1): 35-45

9. Yanze Li, Fengjuan Jia, Yanli Yu, Lu Luo, Jinguang Huang, Guodong Yang, Changai Wu, Chengchao Zheng*. The SCF E3 Ligase AtPP2-B11 Plays a Negative Role in Response to Drought Stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 2014, 32:943-956

10. Fengjuan Jia, Bingjiang Wu, Chengchao Zheng*.Genome-wide identification and characterisation of F-box family in maize. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2013, 288(11): 559-77

11. Lusha Ji, Rui Xu, Longtao Lu, Jiedao Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu, Chengchao Zheng. TM6, a novel nuclear matrix attachment region, enhances its flanking gene expression through influencing their chromatin structure. Molecules and Cells 2013, 36:127-137

12. Yingping Gai Chengchao Zheng* A Novel Late Embryogenesis Abundant Like Protein Associated with Chilling Stress in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bright Yellow-2 Cell Suspension Culture. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 2011, 10: M111.010363

13. Rui-Rui Xu, Sheng-Dong Qi, Long-Tao Lu, Chang-Tian Chen, Chang-Ai Wu and Cheng-Chao Zheng*.  A DExD/H box RNA helicase is important for potassium deprivation responses and tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Journal 2011, 278: 2296-2306

14. Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu and Chengchao Zheng*. Insight into the transcriptional regulation during the early development of the maize brace root. FEBS Journal 2011, 278:156-166

15. Hao Huan, Sheng-Dong Qi, Fang Qi, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. NtKTI1, a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor with antifungal activity from Nicotiana tabacum, plays an important role in tobacco’s defense response. FEBS Journal 2010, 277:4076-4088

16. Jin-Guang Huang, Mei Yang, Pei Liu, Guo-Dong Yang, Chang-Ai Wu, Cheng-Chao Zheng*. Genome-wide profiling of developmental, hormonal or environmental responsiveness of the nucleocytoplasmic transport receptors in Arabidopsis. Gene. 2010,451:38-44

17. Dongmei Xi, Wushuang Liu, Guodong Yang, Changai Wu, Cheng-chao Zheng*. Seed-specific overexpression of antioxidant genes in Arabidopsis enhances oxidative stress tolerance during germination and early seedling growth. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2010, 8:796-806

18. Yanjie Li, Yaru Fu, Lusha Ji, Changai Wu, Chengchao Zheng*. Characterization and expression analysis of the Arabidopsis mir169 family. Plant Science 2010,178: 271-280

19. Yu-Tao Yang, Yan-Li Yu, Guo-Dong Yang, Jie-Dao Zhang and Cheng-Chao Zheng*, Tissue-specific expression of the PNZIP promoter is mediated by combinatorial interaction of different cis-elements and a novel ranscriptional factor. Nucleic Acids Research 2009, 37(8):2630-2644

20. Ying-Hui Guo, Yue-Ping Yu, Dong Wang, Chang-Ai Wu, Guo-Dong Yang, Jin-Guang Huang and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. GhZFP1, a novel CCCH-type zinc finger protein from cotton, enhances salt stress tolerance and fungal disease resistance in transgenic tobacco by interacting with GZIRD21A and GZIPR5. New Phytologist 2009, 183: 62-75

21. YanLi Yu, YanZe Li, LingLi Li, JinXing Lin, ChengChao Zheng*. Overexpression of PwTUA1, a pollen-specific tubulin gene, increases pollen tube elongation by altering the distribution of α-tubulin and promoting vesicle transport. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2009, 60(9):2737-49

22. Tongtong Xue, Xinzheng Li, Wei Zhu, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, and Chengchao Zheng*. Cotton metallothionein GhMT3a, a reactive oxygen species scavenger, increased tolerance against abiotic stress in transgenic tobacco and yeast. Journal of Experimental Botany.2009, 60: 339-349

23. Jin-Guang Huang, Mei Yang, Pei Liu, Guo-Dong Yang, Chang-Ai Wu and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. GhDREB1 enhances abiotic stress tolerance, delays GA-mediated development and represses cytokinin signaling in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2009, 32, 1132–1145

24. Jiedao Zhang, Longtao Lu, Lusha Ji, Guodong Yang, Chengchao Zheng*. Functional characterization of a tobacco matrix attachment region-mediated enhancement of transgene expression. Transgenic Research. 2009, 18:377-385

25. Hanhua Liu, Xin Tian, Yanjie Li, Changai Wu and Chengchao Zheng*.Microarray-based analysis of stress-regulated microRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana. RNA 2008, 14: 836-843

26. Xiyan Yu, Xiufeng Wang, Wenqian Zhang, Tingting Qian, Guimin Tang, Yankui Guo, Chengchao Zheng*. Antisense Suppression of an Acid Invertase Gene (MAI1) in Muskmelon Alters Plant Growth and Fruit Development. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008, 59(11):2969-77

27. Dong Wang, Yinghui Guo, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang, Yingying Li and Chengchao Zheng*. Genome-wide analysis of CCCH zinc finger family in Arabidopsis and rice. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:44

28.  Xin Huang, Wei Zhu, Silan Dai, Shupeng Gai, Guosheng Zheng, Chengchao Zheng*. The involvement of mitochondrial phosphate transporter in accelerating bud dormancy release during chilling treatment of tree peony (Paeonia suVruticosa). Planta 2008, 228(4):545-52

29. Meng-Meng Zhanga, Lu-Sha Ji, Hua Xue, Yu-Tao Yang, Chang-Ai Wu and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. High transformation frequency of tobacco and rice via Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer by flanking a tobacco matrix attachment region.  Physiologia Plantarum 2007.129: 644-651

30. Da-Peng Shan, Jin-Guang Huang, Yu-Tao Yang, Ying-Hui Guo and Cheng-Chao Zheng*. Cotton GhDREB1 increases plant tolerance to low temperature and is negatively regulated by gibberellic acid. New Phytologist 2007. 176: 70-81