Shanwei Li
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 179

Shanwei Li, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,, 13953808900

Research Interests:

Plant reproductive biology


2012-2017 Beijing Normal University, PhD of Cell Biology

2008-2011 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2004-2008 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Bioengineering

Teaching Courses:

 Cell Biology Experimental Technology

Selected Publications:

1. Shanwei Li, Huaijian Dong, Weike Pei, Chaonan Liu, Sha Zhang, Tiantian Sun, Xiuhua Xue, Ren H. (2017). LlFH1-mediated interaction between actin fringe and exocytic vesicles is involved in pollen tube tip growth. New Phytologist 214(2): 745-761.

2. Shanwei Li, Tiantian Sun, Haiyun Ren. (2015). The functions of the cytoskeleton and associated proteins during mitosis and cytokinesis in plant cells. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 282.

3. ShanweiLi, Feifei Yu, Mian Wang, Xingqi Guo X, Han Li. (2012). Molecular characterization of a Nicotiana tabacum NtRDR6 gene. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 30 (6): 1375-1384.

4. Tiantian Sun, ShanweiLi, Haiyun Ren. (2017). OsFH15, a type Ⅰ formin, interacts with microfilaments and microtubules to regulate grain size via affecting cell area. Scientific Reports 7(1): 6538.

5. Tiantian Sun, ShanweiLi, Haiyun Ren. (2013). Profilin as a regulator of the membrane-actin cytoskeleton interface in plant cells. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 512.

6. Mian Wang, ShanweiLi, Haifang Yang, Zheng Gao, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo. (2012). Characterization and functional analysis of GhRDR6, a novel RDR6 gene from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Bioscience Reports 32(2): 139-151.

7. Liang Zhang, Dongmei Xi, ShanweiLi, Zheng Gao, Shuoli Zhao, Jing Shi, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo. (2011). A cotton group C MAP kinase gene, GhMPK2, positively regulates salt and drought tolerance in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology 77(1-2): 17-31.

8. Juan Tian, Xueyan Zhang, Benguo Liang, ShanweiLi, Zhixia Wu, Qianhua Wang, Chunxu Leng, Jiangli Dong, Tao Wang. (2010). Expression of baculovirus anti-apoptotic genes p35 and op-iap in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) enhances tolerance to verticillium wilt. PLoS One 5(12): e14218.