Yang Liu, lecturer, Ph.D., liuy@sdau.edu.cn, 15953813695
Research Interests:
Plant Physiology;abiotic stress
2005-2009 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Biological science
2009-2014 Shandong Agricultural University, PhD of botany
Teaching Courses:
Plant Physiology
Selected Publications:
(1)Liu Yang, Wang Li, Xing Xing, Sun LiPing, Pan Jiaowen, Kong Xiangpei, Zhang Maoying, Li Dequan*, ZmLEA3, a multifunctional group 3 LEA protein from maize (Zea mays L.), is involved in biotic and abiotic stresses, Plant and cell Physiology, 2013,54: 944-959;
(2)Liu Yang#, Wang Li#, Cai Guohua, Jiang Shanshan, Sun Liping, Li Dequan*, Response of tobacco to the Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato DC3000 is mainly dependent on salicylic acid signaling pathway, FEMS Microbiology letters, 2013,344: 77-85;
(3)Liu Yang#, Wang Li#, Jiang Shanshan, Cai Guohua, Li Dequan*, Group 5 LEA protein, ZmLEA5C, enhanced transgenic tobacco and yeast tolerance to osmotic and low temperature stresses, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014,84: 22-31;
(4)Liu Yang*, Liang Jianan, Sun Liping, Yang Xinghong, Li Dequan, Group 3 LEA protein, ZmLEA3, is involved in protection from low temperature stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7。
(5)Liu Yang, Song Qipin, Li Daxing, Yang Xinghong*, Li Dequan*, Multifunctional Roles of Plant Dehydrins in Response to Environmental Stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1018.
(6)Liu Yang*, Wang Li, Zhang Tianpeng, Yang Xinghong*, Li Dequan (2017). Functional characterization of KS-type dehydrin ZmDHN13 and its related conserved domains under oxidative stress. Scientific Reports, 7:7361.