Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
发布时间: 2018-06-12                 浏览次数: 252

1.Major research areas

Stress molecular biology of crops

Biotechnological improvement of crop quality and resistance in crops

Molecular biology of plant development

Molecular enzymology

Biochemistry and molecular biology of microbes

Biochemistry and molecular biology of animals


2.Faculty team

There are 22 faculty members in the discipline of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, including one “Taishan Scholar” distinguished professor, one “Taishan Scholar” young expert, nine professors, ten associate professors, one senior technician, one member of "the National Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents Project", one recipient of the special allowance of the State Council, one young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution in Shandong Province, and one with the national teaching master-hand award. Among all the teachers, 21 of them have doctoral degrees, of which ten have overseas study experience. Collectively, there is one Yangtze River Scholar innovation team  certified by the Ministry of Education, and one national level teaching team.

3.Current research projects

Since 2006, the faculty members have chaired more than 40 national-level scientific research projects such as the "National 973 Major Project", the "National High-Tech 863 Project", the "National Key Project for Genetically Modified Plants and Industrialization", and the "National Natural Science Foundation Projects".

4.Publications and achievements

The faculty has published more than 200 research papers in high level domestic and international academic journals, such as Molecular Cell, PNAS, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology and New Phytologist, among which 120 papers were published in SCI-indexed journals. More than 20 national patents for invention were approved.