Songtao Gui
发布时间: 2025-02-19                 浏览次数: 71




Name: Songtao Gui (桂松涛)

Degree: Ph.D

Title: Professor

Phone: 86-0538-8241588


Department: Department of Biotechnology

Admission majors: Cell Biology

Home page:


Research Interests

  • Domestication and adaptation of crops

  • Regulatory mechanisms of plant architecture

  • Population genomics and genetics

  • Multi-omics integration

Education and Appointments


2008.09-2012.06    BA, Shandong Normal University, China

2012.09-2017.12    PhD, College of Life Science, Wuhan University, Chia

Associations & Fellowships

2018.01-2022.12    PostDoc, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

2018.12-2019.12    Bioinformatics engineer (Part-time), BGI Genomics, China


2023.01-        Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University

Honors & Distinctions

1.    TaiShan Scholars of Shandong Province (Young expert), 2023

2.    Big Data Driven Crop Intelligent Breeding Platform, Winner's Price, 2022

Teaching Experience

1.     Cell Engineering Experiment, BS Students

2.     Bioinformatics, MS Students

3.     Biological Big Data Analysis and Application, PhD Students


1.  Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2024ZD0408001), Sub-project, 2024-2025

2.    National Key Research and Development Project of China (2024YFF1000700), Sub-project, 2025-2027

3.    National Natural Science Foundation of China (32470659), 2025-2028

4.    811 Special funding of Shandong Agriculture University, 2023-2027

5.    National Natural Science Foundation of China (32000396), 2021-2023



1.    Zhang Ning, Liu Yuhao, Gui Songtao, Wang Yonghong. (2024). Regulation of tillering and panicle branching in rice and wheat. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2024.12.005

2.    Wang Wenguang, Gui Songtao, Wang Yonghong. (2023). Uncover the mystery of pleiotropic effects of PROG1 during rice domestication. Molecular Plant, 16, 1722-1723

3.    Dai Zhikang, Pi Qianyu, Liu Yutong, Hu Long, Li Bingchen, Zhang Bao, Wang Yanbo, Jiang Min, Qi Xin, Li Wenqiang, Gui Songtao, Llaca Victor, Fengler Kevin, Thatcher Shawn, Li Ziwei, Liu Xiangguo, Fan Xingming, Lai Zhibing. (2024). ZmWAK02 encoding an RD-WAK protein confers maize resistance against gray leaf spot. New Phytologist, 241, 1780-1793

4.    Zhang Ning,Gui Songtao, Wang Yonghong. (2023). LAZing around: The intricate dance of amyloplast sedimentation and gravity sensing in plants. Molecular Plant, 16, 1887-1889

5.    Yang Ning, Wang Yuebin, Liu Xiangguo, Jin Minliang, Vallebueno-Estrada Miguel, Calfee Erin, Chen Lu, Dilkes P. Brian, Gui Songtao,Fan Xingming, Harper K. Thomas, Kennett J. Douglas, Li Wenqiang, Lu Yanli, Ding Junqiang, Chen Ziqi, Luo Jingyun, Mambakkam Sowmya, Menon Mitra, Snodgrass Samantha, Veller Carl, Wu Shenshen, Wu Siying, Zhuo Lin, Xiao Yingjie, Yang Xiaohong, Stitzer C. Michelle, Runcie Daniel, Yan Jianbing, Ross-Ibarra Jeffrey. (2023). Two teosintes made modern maize. Science, 382, eadg8940

6.    Gui Songtao, Martinez-Rivas Juan Felix, Wen Weiwei, Meng Minghui, Yan Jianbing, Usadel Björn, Fernie R. Alisdair. (2022). Going broad and deep: sequencing-driven insights into plant physiology, evolution, and crop domestication. The Plant Journal, 113, 446-459

7.    Gui Songtao, Wei Wenjie, Chenglin Jiang, Luo Jingyun, Wu Shenshen, Li Wenqiang, Wang Yuebin, Li Shuyan, Yang Ning, Li Qing, Fernie R. Alisdair, Yan Jianbing. (2022). A pan-Zea genome map for enhancing maize improvement. Genome Biology, 23, 178

8.    Chen Lu#, Luo Jingyun#, Jin Minliang#, Yang Ning#, Liu Xiangguo, Peng Yong, Li Wenqiang, Philips Alyssa, Cameron Brenda, Bernal Julio, Rubén Rellán-Álvarez, Sawers JH Ruairidh, Qing Liu, Yin Yuejia, Ye Xinnan, Yan Jiali, Zhang Qinghua, Zhang Xiaoting, Wu Shenshen, Gui Songtao, Wei Wenjie, Wang Yuebin, Luo Yun, Jiang Chengling, Deng Min, Jin Min, Jian Liumei, Yu Yanhui, Zhang Maolin, Yang Xiaohong, Hufford B. Matthew, Fernie R. Alisdair, Warburton L. Marilyn, Ross-Ibarra Jeffrey, Yan Jianbing. (2022). Genome sequencing reveals evidence of adaptive variation in the genus ZeaNature Genetics54, 1736–1745

9.    Chen Yuanyuan#, Chao Zhen-Fei#, Jin Min, Wang Ya-Ling, Li Yaoyao, Wu Jia-Chen, Xiao Yingjie, Peng Yong, Lv Qiao-Yan, Gui Songtao, Wang Xiaqing, Han Mei-Ling, Fernie R. Alisdair, Chao Dai-Yin, Yan Jianbing. (2022). A Heavy Metal Transporter Gene ZmHMA3a Promises Safe Agricultural Production on Cadmium-Polluted Arable Land. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, S1673852722002156

10.  Wang Yuebin#, Li Wenqiang#, Wang Luxi, Yan Jiali, Lu Gang, Yang Ning, Xu Jieting, Wang Yuqing, Gui Songtao, Chen Gengshen, Li Shuyan, Wu Chengxiu, Guo Tingting, Xiao Yingjie, Warburton L. Marilyn, Fernie R. Alisdair, Dresselhaus Thomas, Yan Jianbing. (2022). Three Types of Genes Underlying the Gametophyte Factor1 Locus Cause Unilateral Cross Incompatibility in Maize. Nature Communications, 13. 4498

11.  Jin Jing, Gui Songtao, Li Qian, Wang Ying, Zhang Hongyuan, Zhu Zhixuan, Chen Hao, Sun Yueyang, Zou Yu, Huang Xingguo, Ding Yi. (2020). The Transcription Factor GATA10 Regulates Fertility Conversion of a Twoline Hybrid Tms5 Mutant Rice via the Modulation of Ub_L40 Expression. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62, 1034—1056

12.  Gui Songtao, Yang Linfeng, Li Jianbo, Luo Jingyun, Xu Xiaokai, Yuan Jianyu, Chen Lu, Li Wenqiang, Yang Xin, Wu Shenshen, Li Shuyan, Wang Yuebin, Zhu Yabing, Gao Qiang, Yang Ning, Yan Jianbing. (2020). ZEAMAP, a Comprehensive Database Adapted to the Maize Multi-Omics Era. iScience, 23, 101241

13.  Yang Ning#, Liu Jie#, Gao Qiang#, Gui Songtao, Chen Lu, Yang Linfeng, Huang Juan, Deng Tianquan, Luo Jingyun, He Lijuan, Wang Yuebin, Xu Pengwei, Peng Yong, Shi Zhuoxing, Lan Liu, Ma Zhiyun, Yang Xin, Zhang Qianqian, Bai Mingzhou, Li San, Li Wenqiang, Liu Lei, Jackson David, Yan Jianbing. (2019). Genome Assembly of a Tropical Maize Inbred Line Provides Insights into Structural Variation and Crop Improvement. Nature Genetics, 51, 1052—1059

14.  Gui Songtao, Peng Jing, Wang Xiaolei, Wu Zhihua, Cao Rui, Salse Jérôme, Zhang Hongyuan, Zhu Zhixuan, Xia Qiuju, Quan Zhiwu, Shu Liping, Ke Wedong, Ding Yi. (2018). Improving Nelumbo Nucifera Genome Assemblies Using High-resolution Genetic Maps and BioNano Genome Mapping Reveals Ancient Chromosome Rearrangements. The Plant Journal, 94, 721—734

15.  Pan Lei, Wang Nian, Wu Zhihua, Guo Rui, Yu Xiaolu, Zheng Yu, Xia Qiuju, Gui Songtao, Chen Chanyou. (2017). A High Density Genetic Map Derived from RAD Sequencing and Its Application in QTL Analysis of Yield-Related Traits in Vigna Unguiculata. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 1544

16.  Zhu Zhixuan, Gui Songtao, Jin Jing, Yi Rong, Wu Zhihua, Qian Qian, Ding Yi. (2016). The NnCenH3 Protein and Centromeric DNA Sequence Profiles of Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn. (Sacred Lotus) Reveal the DNA Structures and Dynamics of Centromeres in Basal Eudicots. The Plant Journal, 87, 568—582

17.  Wang Xiaolei, Gui Songtao, Pan Lei, Hu Jihong, Ding Yi. (2016). Development and Characterization of Polymorphic MicroRNA-Based Microsatellite Markers in Nelumbo Nucifera (Nelumbonaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 4, 1500091

18.  Gui Songtao#, Wu Zhihua#, Zhang Hongyuan, Zheng Yinzhen, Zhu Zhixuan, Liang Dequan, Ding Yi. (2016). The Mitochondrial Genome Map of Nelumbo Nucifera Reveals Ancient Evolutionary Features. Scientific Reports, 6, 30158

19.  Hu Jihong#, Gui Songtao#, Zhu Zhixuan, Wang Xiaolei, Ke Weidong, Ding Yi. (2015). Genome-Wide Identification of SSR and SNP Markers Based on Whole-Genome Re-Sequencing of a Thailand Wild Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera). PLOS ONE, 10, e0143765

20.  Wu Zhihua, Gui Songtao, Quan Zhiwu, Pan Lei, Wang Shuzhen, Ke Weidong, Liang Dequan, Ding Yi. (2014). A Precise Chloroplast Genome of Nelumbo Nucifera (Nelumbonaceae) Evaluated with Sanger, Illumina MiSeq, and PacBio RS II Sequencing Platforms: Insight into the Plastid Evolution of Basal Eudicots. BMC Plant Biology, 14, 289

21.  Wu Zhihua, Gui Songtao, Wang Shuzhen, Ding Yi. (2014). Molecular Evolution and Functional Characterisation of an Ancient Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Gene (NnPAL1) from Nelumbo Nucifera: Novel Insight into the Evolution of the PAL Family in Angiosperms. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14, 100