Zhi Juan Cheng, Associate Professor, Ph.D., chengzj@sdau.edu.cn, 13153893235
Research Interests:
1. Regeneration and maintenance of shoot apical meristem
2. Female gametophyte and seed development
3. Plant hormone signaling
2000-2004 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Biotechnolgy
2004-2009 Shandong Agricultural University, PhD of Developmental Biology
2009-2011 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, postdoctor
2011-2014 Lecturer, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
2014- Associate Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
Teaching Courses:
Selected Publications:
1、Meng, W.J#., Cheng, Z.J#., Sang, Y.L#., Zhang, M.M., Rong, X.F., Wang, Z.W., Tang, Y.Y., and Zhang, X.S*.. Type-B ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORs Specify the Shoot Stem Cell Niche by Dual Regulation of WUSCHEL. Plant Cell, 2017, 29: 1357-1372.
2、Cheng, Z.J., Zhao, X.Y., Shao, X.X., Wang, F., Zhou, C., Liu, Y.G., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, X.S*. Abscisic acid regulates early seed development in Arabidopsis by ABI5-mediated transcription of SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1. Plant Cell, 2014, 26: 1053-1068.
3、Rong, X.F1., Sang, Y.L1., Wang, L1., Meng, W.J., Zou, C.H., Dong, Y.X., Bie, X.M., Cheng, Z.J*., and Zhang, X.S*. Type-B ARRs Control Carpel Regeneration through Mediating AGAMOUS Expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol., 2017: pcx187-pcx187.
4、Cheng, Z.J., Wang, L., Sun, W., Zhang, Y., Zhou, C., Su, Y.H., Li, W., Sun, T.T., Zhao, X.Y., Li, X.G., Cheng, Y., Zhao, Y., Xie, Q., and Zhang, X.S*. Pattern of auxin and cytokinin responses for shoot meristem induction results from the regulation of cytokinin biosynthesis by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3. Plant Physiol., 2013, 161: 240-251.
5、Sang, Y.L#., Cheng, Z.J#., and Zhang, X.S*.Plant stem cells and de novo organogenesis. New Phytol., 2018: DOI: 10.1111/nph.15106.
6、Cheng, Z.J., Shang, B.S., Zhang, X.S., Hu, Y.X. Plant hormones and stem cells. Academic Press. Published by Elsevier Ltd, 2017, 405-429.
7、Cheng, Z.J., Zhu, S.S., Gao, X.Q., and Zhang, X.S*. Cytokinin and auxin regulates WUS induction and inflorescence regeneration in vitro in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep., 2010, 29: 927-933.
8、Li W., Liu H., Cheng Z J. and Zhang X S. Dynamic DNA methylation and histone modifications regulate hormone-induced stem cell formation during Arabidopsis shoot regeneration. PloS Genetics., 2011, 7:e1002243.
9、Zhao X. Y., Cheng Z. J. and Zhang X. S. Overexpression of TaMADS1, a SEPALLATA-like gene in wheat, causes early flowering and the abnormal development of floral organs in Arabidopsis. Planta., 2006, 223:698-707.
10、Su Y. H., Cheng Z. J. and Zhang X. S. Pattern analysis of stem-cell differentiation during in vitro Arabidopsis organogenesis. Front. Biol., 2010, 5: 464-470.
11、Zhao X.Y., Su Y. H., Cheng Z. J. and Zhang X. S. Cell fate switch during in vitro plant organogenesis. J Intergr Plant Bio., 2008, 50:814-822.